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ID:31448 / 21 (Views: 20) Canon EOS R6 Sigma 60-600mm f/4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports VIE-52  
Ort/Place: Vienna Schwechat International (LOWW/VIE) (Austria) Datum/Date: 2024-12-30
Registration:OE-LZO (Austria) Flightnumber: OS0454 Origin: LHR (United Kingdom) Destination: VIE (Austria) Via:
Airline:Austrian (Austria)
Flugzeug/Aircraft:Airbus A320-271N (cn: 11076) IATA-Code: 32N
'Austrian 454' aus London-Heathrow kurz vor der Landung auf Landebahn 34.
'Austrian 454' from London-Heathrow prior to landing at runway 34.
© by Markus Schauhuber
ID:31373 / 74 (Views: 13) Canon EOS R6 Sigma 60-600mm f/4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports ZRH-04  
Ort/Place: Zurich Kloten (ZRH/LSZH) (Switzerland) Datum/Date: 2024-12-11
Registration:HB-JDG (Switzerland) Flightnumber: LX2114 Origin: ZRH (Switzerland) Destination: AGP (Spain) Via:
Airline:Swiss International Airlines (Switzerland)
Flugzeug/Aircraft:Airbus A320-271N (cn: 11911) IATA-Code: 32N
'Swiss 2114' nach Malaga beim Start von Startbahn 28.
'Swiss 2114' to Malaga during takeoff at runway 28.
© by Markus Schauhuber
ID:31368 / 69 (Views: 12) Canon EOS R6 Sigma 60-600mm f/4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports ZRH-04  
Ort/Place: Zurich Kloten (ZRH/LSZH) (Switzerland) Datum/Date: 2024-12-11
Registration:HB-JDG (Switzerland) Flightnumber: LX2114 Origin: ZRH (Switzerland) Destination: AGP (Spain) Via:
Airline:Swiss International Airlines (Switzerland)
Flugzeug/Aircraft:Airbus A320-271N (cn: 11911) IATA-Code: 32N
'Swiss 2114' nach Malaga mit roter Weihnachtsnase.
'Swiss 2114' to Malaga with a red Christmas nose.
© by Markus Schauhuber
ID:31358 / 59 (Views: 7) Canon EOS R6 Sigma 60-600mm f/4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports ZRH-04  
Ort/Place: Zurich Kloten (ZRH/LSZH) (Switzerland) Datum/Date: 2024-12-11
Registration:HB-JDH (Switzerland) Flightnumber: LX0966 Origin: ZRH (Switzerland) Destination: BER (Germany) Via:
Airline:Swiss International Airlines (Switzerland)
Flugzeug/Aircraft:Airbus A320-271N (cn: 12338) IATA-Code: 32N
'Swiss 966' nach Berlin-Brandenburg beim Start von Startbahn 28.
'Swiss 966' to Berlin-Brandenburg during takeoff at runway 28.
© by Markus Schauhuber
ID:31354 / 55 (Views: 11) Canon EOS R6 Sigma 60-600mm f/4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports ZRH-04  
Ort/Place: Zurich Kloten (ZRH/LSZH) (Switzerland) Datum/Date: 2024-12-11
Registration:HB-JDH (Switzerland) Flightnumber: LX0966 Origin: ZRH (Switzerland) Destination: BER (Germany) Via:
Airline:Swiss International Airlines (Switzerland)
Flugzeug/Aircraft:Airbus A320-271N (cn: 12338) IATA-Code: 32N
'Swiss 966' nach Berlin-Brandenburg beim Lineup auf Startbahn 28.
'Swiss 966' to Berlin-Brandenburg during lineup at runway 28.
© by Markus Schauhuber
ID:31350 / 51 (Views: 10) Canon EOS R6 Sigma 60-600mm f/4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports ZRH-04  
Ort/Place: Zurich Kloten (ZRH/LSZH) (Switzerland) Datum/Date: 2024-12-11
Registration:HB-JDH (Switzerland) Flightnumber: LX0966 Origin: ZRH (Switzerland) Destination: BER (Germany) Via:
Airline:Swiss International Airlines (Switzerland)
Flugzeug/Aircraft:Airbus A320-271N (cn: 12338) IATA-Code: 32N
'Swiss 966' nach Berlin-Brandenburg. Dieser A320neo wurde zum Zeitpunkt des Fotos erst vor 4 Wochen ausgeliefert.
'Swiss 966' to Berlin-Brandenburg. This A320neo was only delivered 4 weeks ago at the time the photo was taken.
© by Markus Schauhuber
ID:31049 / 2 (Views: 29) Canon EOS R6 Sigma 60-600mm f/4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports VIE-02  
Ort/Place: Vienna Schwechat International (LOWW/VIE) (Austria) Datum/Date: 2024-10-09
Registration:OE-LZP (Austria) Flightnumber: OS0229 Origin: VIE (Austria) Destination: BER (Germany) Via:
Airline:Austrian (Austria)
Flugzeug/Aircraft:Airbus A320-271N (cn: 11418) IATA-Code: 32N
'Austrian 229' nach Berlin-Brandenburg beim Pushback vom Gate F16.
'Austrian 229' to Berlin-Brandenburg during pushback from gate F16.
© by Markus Schauhuber
ID:31031 / 93 (Views: 20) Canon EOS R6 Sigma 60-600mm f/4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports VIE-02  
Ort/Place: Vienna Schwechat International (LOWW/VIE) (Austria) Datum/Date: 2024-09-30
Registration:OE-LZR (Austria) Flightnumber: OS0455 Origin: VIE (Austria) Destination: LHR (United Kingdom) Via:
Airline:Austrian (Austria)
Flugzeug/Aircraft:Airbus A320-271N (cn: 11808) IATA-Code: 32N
'Austrian 455' nach London-Heathrow beim Start von Startbahn 16.
'Austrian 455' to London-Heathrow during takeoff at runway 16.
© by Markus Schauhuber
ID:30991 / 53 (Views: 21) Canon EOS R6 Sigma 60-600mm f/4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports VIE-02  
Ort/Place: Vienna Schwechat International (LOWW/VIE) (Austria) Datum/Date: 2024-09-30
Registration:OE-LZR (Austria) Flightnumber: OS0230 Origin: BER (Germany) Destination: VIE (Austria) Via:
Airline:Austrian (Austria)
Flugzeug/Aircraft:Airbus A320-271N (cn: 11808) IATA-Code: 32N
'Austrian 230' aus Berlin-Brandenburg im Landeanflug auf Landebahn 16.
'Austrian 230' from Berlin-Brandenburg on final approach for runway 16.
© by Markus Schauhuber
ID:30946 / 8 (Views: 20) Canon EOS R6 Sigma 60-600mm f/4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports VIE-02  
Ort/Place: Vienna Schwechat International (LOWW/VIE) (Austria) Datum/Date: 2024-09-30
Registration:OE-LZN (Austria) Flightnumber: OS0303 Origin: VIE (Austria) Destination: CPH (Denmark) Via:
Airline:Austrian (Austria)
Flugzeug/Aircraft:Airbus A320-271N (cn: 10904) IATA-Code: 32N
'Austrian 303' nach Kopenhagen beim Start von Startbahn 16.
'Austrian 303' to Copenhagen during takeoff at runway 16.
© by Markus Schauhuber
ID:30892 / 363 (Views: 24) Canon EOS R6 Sigma 60-600mm f/4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports MUC-04  
Ort/Place: Munich Franz Josef Strauss International (MUC/EDDM) (Germany) Datum/Date: 2024-08-28
Registration:ES-MBU (Estonia) Flightnumber: DI6512 Origin: MUC (Germany) Destination: PMI (Spain) Via:
Airline:Marabu Airlines (Estonia)
Flugzeug/Aircraft:Airbus A320-271N (cn: 6799) IATA-Code: 32N
'Marabu 6512' nach Mallorca beim Start von Startbahn 26L.
'Marabu 6512' to Mallorca during takeoff at runway 26L.
© by Markus Schauhuber
ID:30889 / 360 (Views: 32) Canon EOS R6 Sigma 60-600mm f/4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports MUC-04  
Ort/Place: Munich Franz Josef Strauss International (MUC/EDDM) (Germany) Datum/Date: 2024-08-28
Registration:ES-MBU (Estonia) Flightnumber: DI6512 Origin: MUC (Germany) Destination: PMI (Spain) Via:
Airline:Marabu Airlines (Estonia)
Flugzeug/Aircraft:Airbus A320-271N (cn: 6799) IATA-Code: 32N
'Marabu 6512' nach Mallorca auf dem Weg zur Startbahn 26L.
'Marabu 6512' to Mallorca taxiing to runway 26L for departure.
© by Markus Schauhuber
ID:30873 / 344 (Views: 24) Canon EOS R6 Sigma 60-600mm f/4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports MUC-04  
Ort/Place: Munich Franz Josef Strauss International (MUC/EDDM) (Germany) Datum/Date: 2024-08-28
Registration:SX-NEL (Greece) Flightnumber: A30806 Origin: ATH (Greece) Destination: MUC (Germany) Via:
Airline:Aegean Airlines (Greecs)
Flugzeug/Aircraft:Airbus A320-271N (cn: 11399) IATA-Code: 32N
'Aegean 806' aus Athen auf dem Weg zum Gate.
'Aegean 806' from Athens taxiing to gate after arrival.
© by Markus Schauhuber
ID:30870 / 341 (Views: 25) Canon EOS R6 Sigma 60-600mm f/4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports MUC-04  
Ort/Place: Munich Franz Josef Strauss International (MUC/EDDM) (Germany) Datum/Date: 2024-08-28
Registration:SX-NEL (Greece) Flightnumber: A30806 Origin: ATH (Greece) Destination: MUC (Germany) Via:
Airline:Aegean Airlines (Greecs)
Flugzeug/Aircraft:Airbus A320-271N (cn: 11399) IATA-Code: 32N
'Aegean 806' aus Athen bei der Landung auf Landebahn 26L.
'Aegean 806' from Athens during landing at runway 26L.
© by Markus Schauhuber
ID:30868 / 339 (Views: 21) Canon EOS R6 Sigma 60-600mm f/4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports MUC-04  
Ort/Place: Munich Franz Josef Strauss International (MUC/EDDM) (Germany) Datum/Date: 2024-08-28
Registration:D-AINJ (Germany) Flightnumber: LH1815 Origin: BCN (Spain) Destination: MUC (Germany) Via:
Airline:Lufthansa (Germany)
Flugzeug/Aircraft:Airbus A320-271N (cn: 7735) IATA-Code: 32N
'Lufthansa 1815' aus Barcelona bei der Landung auf Landebahn 26L.
'Lufthansa 1815' from Barcelona during landing at runway 26L.
© by Markus Schauhuber

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